Why ? 1. Produced & Created by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga - Two guys who don't seem to respect the fans or series continuity.
2. Poor choice of leading actor - Don't get me wrong here, Scott Bakula was a good leading man for Quantum Leapp, but his characterisation of Jonathan Archer was very weak. Were Archer a real person serving in the military, he would never have reached a command rank, allowing his subordinates to overrule him like they did and also any discipline on the enterprise was sadly lacking.
3. Falling into the Voyager trap of using sex to sell the show (i.e. putting Jolene Blalock in a skin tight uniform).
4. Two very inconsistent (in terms of quality of writing) first seasons.
5. Rewriting the trek time-line - having an encounter with the romulans at a time inconsistent with the established trek time-line.
6. Bringing in Jonathan Frakes & Marina Sirtis as Guest Stars for the final episode.
This was most definitely one of the worst sci-fi shows going and only got 4 seasons because it was part of the trek franchise. Other better quality shows have been cancelled part-way through their 1st Seasons (e.g. Firefly) This show only rates 1/10 because a zero rating is not possible.
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