• Inarguably the worst movie I have seen. I knew it was going to be bad from the opening line... "In 2009 we discovered life on another planet... a planet twenty-million light-years away." Um... And they got here and kicked our butts in five years? Why do robots need planets? Why are high-ranking world-leading heroes barely out of their teens? Why can't I turn this off? It was like watching a train-wreck in slow-motion. I couldn't look away, watching in horrified fascination wondering just how bad the dialog and wooden the acting could get. There is not a single redeeming feature in this film. One of those movies that goes from bad, to badder, to baddest without ever being bad enough to be good. It will take Good long Ed Wood film festival to scrub this movie from my mind. Now where did I leave my copy of "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians".