• Jennifer Jones is splendid in this David Selznick production. When Jennifer Jones was in a picture with out without the Selznick Studio involved David Selznick did all he could to make sure his great love Jennifer Jones was shown to every good advantage and also that the picture had the finest in production values.

    The Camera work here in particular the scenes in the Alps is superb My quibble with the film is that Rock Hudson is too distant as Jennifer's lover. Perhaps another actor such Burt Lancaster as Paul Newman would have been much better. (Years later when Paul Newman was a superstar Jennifer had a cameo in his "Towering Inferno"). David Selznick chose John Huston to direct as Huston had worked with Jennifer Jones twice before but David Selznick seeing that Huston was following the war theme too closely and not his adored Jennifer fired Huston. Charles Vidor replaced Huston but also had his quarrels with David Selznick.

    David Selznick cast Rock Hudson and gave Hudson top billing over Jennifer Jones due to Rock Hudson's great success in George Stevens great "Giant" with Elizabeth Taylor and the fact Rock Hudson at the time was the number one male box office star in the World due to his series of hits with Jane Wyman at Universal in Ross Hunter's great films Magnificent Obsession and All That Heaven Allows.

    I recommend this film for the fine work of Jennifer Jones and also to see a maestro Producer at work in Mr. David O Selznick