• Greer Garson is the lady in question in "The Law and the Lady," a 1951 film also starring Michael Wilding, Marjorie Main and Fernando Lamas. It's a loose remake of "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney." Here, Garson plays a former British household maid at the end of the 19th Century who hooks up with the brother of her ex-employer. They sort of fall into a con game and decide to keep going with it. After being asked to leave several countries when they're discovered cheating at gambling, they travel to America and San Francisco high society. They set their sights on a wealthy woman (Main) and her necklace. Complications arise.

    This is a good movie with some very funny dialogue, especially in the beginning - when the lady of the house informs Garson she won't get a reference, she replies, "I won't be needing one. I intend to become a lady, and there are no character references necessary for that." Garson plays her role in a very cool, offhanded manner that is very effective. Wilding is amusing as her partner in crime, and Main is a riot as a tough old rich widow.

    All in all, a very charming movie and worth seeing.