• OK so it felt a bit cheap and the animation wasn't great. The awkward mix of cell animation and CGI didn't always fit but all in all this really felt like the book and I actually quite enjoyed it. The characterisation of several characters was cut down quite a bit but I think they were pretty much spot on with what they chose to omit and what they chose to leave in, after all they had to cram it all into 90 minutes.

    Kiefer Sutherland does quite a good job at portraying Raistlin (my favourite character) even if the movie doesn't quite go in to the ambiguous nature of his character as much as the book does although it does hint at future episodes and even Fistandantilus gets a mention. Most of the other characters bio's are flimsy to say the least with only Tanis and Goldmoon/Riverwind getting any backstory although something is mentioned about Sturms Father in passing.

    There are a few threads set up that seem to hint at future installments in the movie world too. This series would be some ambitious studios ideal response to the challenge that Lord of the Rings laid down so come on, which of you big movie players is game enough...

    It's been nearly 20 years since I read the book and this movie adaptation got enough right to give me warm feelings of nostalgia.

    It's not perfect by a long shot but it's all the Dragonlance we've got so far outside of the literary world (and to a lesser extent the gaming world). So I'll gladly take it.