• Warning: Spoilers
    I am compelled to WARN sane viewers that this film is a worthless piece of refuse. I am dumbfounded how any viewers could possibly enjoy this horrible film. Stylistically it was well executed....good pacing, lighting, camera work, musical score. The only thing missing is a story worth telling. And the story Eden Lake tells is one of complete hopelessness in the face of evil. This type of garbage appeals to the basest impulse in some people, who enjoy seeing human beings tortured to death. There is no redemption, no consequences for the evil acts. In the dismal, sadistic vision of the screenwriter of this film, mankind is basically evil at heart, and the good will be slaughtered like lambs. Compare Eden Lake to Lord of the Flies, another film dealing with evil adolescents. In Lord of the Flies, we are shown a balanced view of human nature, one providing a metaphor for the good and evil duality in all men. The majority of humans turn to charismatic leaders for guidance, and those unlucky enough to choose evil leaders ultimately pay a high price. Because humans are for the most part good, the evil doers in life can only persist for short periods before they are eradicated by the majority who want safety, security and stasis, rather than pain and anarchy. The evil kids in Eden Lake commit the most horrendous of brutal murders, and get away with it. The end. Sound like a film any normal person would find gratifying to watch? It is a symptom of a debased culture when its citizens find it enjoyable to watch innocent people tortured to death, with their murderers receiving no punishment for their crimes. It takes a sick mind to write this stuff, and a sick mind to find pleasure in the viewing.