
  • Overall, this movie is wonderful. But it could be bad, too. It depends on how you look at it. If you look at it as a comedy, you see it isn't exactly Carrey's best, but it's decent enough to rent. If you look at it as a romance, then you see it isn't very fulfilling, what with too much comedy and stupidity. Now I don't see it as one of these things.. I see it as a love story that happens to make you laugh. Two people practically MADE for each other that fall in love, a ridiculous premise involving a cult and a wise old man that sees the whole picture as the leader of that cult, and a lonesome and horny ex-wife. These three are the ultimate romantic comedy- no, no. Scratch that. This isn't a romantic comedy, this is a genuine love story with a pinch of humor. These three items make the ultimate love story, making you j*** in your pants because of the sheer awesomeness. When you go out to buy the DVD (and make sure you buy it, because you'll want to watch it over and over again) and watch it, wear protection.. No one likes sticky j*** of awesomeness in their pants..