That this film was being shown on Zone Horror (a channel more used to showing films that aspired to be the sort of films that the Scream trilogy parodied) was the first hint to it's quality. Very low budget, and it showed. Plot sketchy at best, acting not brilliant and FX about what you'd expect from a fan film. The fight scenes were particularly bad (in particular the 'cat fight' in the barracks).
On the other hand, it wasn't as bad as many commenters have made out, certainly better than the normal fare on Zone Horror. Whilst the CGI was poor most of the physical FX were decent enough. Whilst the acting wasn't brilliant I've seen far worse in much higher budget films from mainstream studios, it felt like some more rehearsal or possibly another take would have improved it greatly. All in all it felt rushed rather than bad. Certainly the cast seemed attractive enough to hold one's attention if you're looking for eyecandy and the costumes were good if a little monotonous (though, to be fair, that's what you expect from uniforms).
A number of comments have compared this film to Starship Troopers, and a number have rebutted the the comparison. I think the comparison is,if you take the different in budgets into account, quite fair. Transmorphers is certainly close to Starship Troopers and far better than Starship Troopers 2. Yes it has ripped off plot points and scenes from other films, but then there's nothing unusual about that. Heck, there's an entire art movement based around that, it's called post-modernism! Stephen
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