
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It took fifteen years and a subscription to Netflix to finally get around to seeing this film. It was well worth the wait. If all one were to see is the byplay between Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta, it would be worth the price of admission. But this is only part of the incredible effect this film has. I don't even like gore in movies; I avoid it. But Tarentino weaves a culture of violence where there is actual humanity. We care about these bad guys. There is scene after scene of people being pushed to the limit. The very idea that the boxer, played by Bruce Willis, would risk everything to retrieve a watch that has been transported on two occasions, shove up someone's ass, is amazing. And very, very funny. I can't begin to list all the wonderful scenes. The opening dialogue is incredible as Trovolta and Jackson are on their way to do a hit. They have virtually no respect for human life, yet they, themselves, are very human. The date scene with Uma Thurman with the adrenaline shot. The crazy's in the pawn shop. And, the effort to clean up the car after blowing away a kid in the back seat, the issue being that a guys wife would come home and be very unhappy to find a dead body and a blood filled car in the garage. It sounds horrible and makes me sound sick. I found Fargo to be a hilarious film as well. Is there something wrong with me?