• Warning: Spoilers
    Just got back from Tron. This film looks frickin' amazing. The SFX are incredible. I saw it in 3D, but to be honest I didn't notice it much, so it's hard to say whether it is better than 2D.

    Watch out for spoilers! Plot: Not too bad. Pretty standard idea: a bunch of computer generated AI want out.

    Story: Half-baked. The major flaw is that the story is told in a very shallow fashion. There's interesting things going on like a rebellion, but it's only given a cursory nod. What would have been better is if the protagonists interacted with the underground rebellion. The rebels play only a bit part in a single scene, which is a shame. Jeff Bridges' character also seems to possess some kind of aura/status, but it's underplayed. He appears to have an effect on his surroundings, but it's not given full use. The character of Tron is also largely wasted.

    Acting: Nothing too great. Not bad by any means. Jeff Bridges' human character seems to be trying to channel the Dude from The Big Lebowski, and it's ineffective. Maybe that's how people spoke in 1985, but it just sounds silly.

    SFX: Unbe-frickin-lievable. This film has style in spades. Even with the slightly rubbish way the story plays out, the visuals make it worthwhile. While a little disappointed in the story, my eyes were glutting themselves on the CGI. Very, very cool.

    End result: 9 out of 10 for the visuals. 6 out of 10 for the average storyline. 7 out of 10 final score and well worth the money to see it on the big screen.