• I would have to say this is a nice, funny show. a lot of people say he's a "rip-off" of the angry video game nerd but to be honest, I think he was inspired by the nerd to make those films. and for goodness sake the angry video game nerd is NOT the only game reviewer. There are dozens and dozens of people that are practically doing the same thing. so please people don't start jumping to conclutions here. okay maybe he said the same swear words like the nerd but doesn't anyone like saying it besides the nerd and the irate gamer? for once in a life time, give him a chance! Chris bores' acting is NOT entirely terrible. he seems to do a bit well and nice. but to let you all know just in case, I am a fan of BOTH the Angry Video Game Nerd AND the Irate Gamer. I like them because they are entertaining to watch on youtube. so please guys, let Chris bores be and let him have fun.