• Considering that it was a Scyfy movie, I have to say it wasn't as bad as most of the movies they produce.

    The main problems are mostly budget related, but that's to be expected for a TV movie, and the actors didn't do as good of a job as they could have.

    They were for the most part lacklustre performances, and Joe Flanigan was basically playing the same character he did in Stargate Atlantis, the only difference between Colonel Sam Synn, the character in this movie, and Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, the one from Stargate Atlantis, was that Sam Synn is a full bird colonel.

    There was very little character information, you find out a few vague things about some of them, but not enough to understand their motivation.

    Also, the ending felt like a cop-out. It seemed that they ran out of money or something and didn't have enough to film the final scene, or at least that was my impression. They had a million and one ways to end the movie that could have made it very interesting, and instead chose a very unsatisfactory way to do it.

    On a positive note, the creature effects were more than satisfactory for a ScyFy movie, and they only looked bad in a few scenes.

    All in all, this is not a movie I would watch again, not by a long shot, but if Ferocious Planet is any indication, then ScyFy is finally heading in the right direction.