
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a decently scripted film, with great actors. I thought Ms. Jessica did an OK job, she was certainly gorgeous!!! At times though, it seems she over-acted her parts, and it was quasi-irritating. Colin Firth, who is probably the world's greatest actor (right alongside with Philip Semyour Hoffman) was amazing, and super funny... except I felt his character didn't have enough involvement, or needed to be more involved with the story.

    The ending is actually really good, which holds a lot of weight in book.

    SPOILERS! I thought the dog n couch scene was a lil played-out, and probably woulda been funnier, if it wasn't drawn-out, and found myself thinking, OK, well this is kinda cliché but cute, then it got to, umm OK got it, let's move on.

    The dance scene with Firth and Biel, was actually really awesome choreographed with super skill. I was really impressed with their tango, which is not easy to pull off. Well played sir, well played.