• This could have been a beautiful fairy tale Christmas story, but it fell short of credible.

    The duke played a very important role, however, he was ornery for only a very short time and then there a quick benevolent transformation. The tension should have been played out longer, creating realism of character.

    Jules smiled or cried the entire movie. It was one or the other. Her acting was artificial and unnatural. She was not convincing at all in her role. She needs to learn transformation from one emotion to another and that there are other emotions in between that are subtle. Her smile was fixed and wooden the entire movie. Her evening gown was not beautiful as I had hoped it would be and her hair covered half of her dress.

    The rest of the actors and actresses were excellent. They made the movie come alive. Roger Moore, Ashton, the children, the butlers, the maids, and Ashton's fiancé made this movie!

    I did not like the music while people were speaking. It is very distracting to have loud music in the background during a conversation. Most Hallmark movies have loud background music playing now that is louder than the voices. Their movies are now concerts.

    I thought this movie could have been more exciting by expanding the plot line and with true character development. This could have been a great, magical Christmas fairy tale.