
  • I would not take this movie even if it was free and came with a million dollars. The movie is about a popular (nothing different for Disney channel) girl aka a spoiled brat that wants to be blossom queen and a nerdy geek wants to film a movie about her to see what popular life is about. I don't know what it is with Disney and thinking that every pretty girl needs to be the devil. Then there's the "since you are a computer expert that automatically makes you a geek/nerd that will never have a girlfriend" persona that Disney channel thinks is important to ram down everyone's throat. Let's not forget the popular girl has to date the handsome jock that probably can't count past 10 scenario. There has been a good number of D COM movies that I have really liked but they all seem to have one character that you just can't stand, so why waste your time with the movie. Do yourself a favor, avoid this movie!!