• parricidal Mary Mattock (Samantha Facchi) is constrained at sanatorium for much of her growing years – catatonic until one traumatic experience makes her go loony again, slaughtering the hospital staff and killed in process by police.

    After 20-years, the psychotic Mary 'Hatchet' has turn into an urban legend. High-school seniors commemorate Mary's death as blood night - partying and reveling all over the town.

    The night celebration will soon transforms into unbridled terror for one group of friends.

    Abundant of nudity & sexy shots smooth over the dull parts before the killings starts. Nifty gore effects considering the modest budget.

    Debuting writer-director Frank Sabatella has an eye for bloodletting (one victim's innards is 'spaghetti-zed') but lacks experience in other departments.