• On the surface I suppose its easy for one to judge this movie as nothing more than an early 90's wacky comedy that lacks depth and meaning. I actually saw this movie in theaters when i was a kid, and quite honestly didn't think that much of it, however, the images always stuck with me for some reason. Watching this film again as an adult, I can honestly say that not only is this a great movie, but it is truly a work of art. To me, this film represents innocence, and what happens when innocence is threatened by forces of destruction. The shots and images in this film are astounding. It feels as If you are staring at a fine abstract painting. The music is well done and only enhances the beautiful imagery. Sure it has its corny parts, but in a way, that's what adds to this film's personality. Overall, this movie will either move you or it wont. If you are someone who only likes big Hollywood movies then you probably wont enjoy this film. If you are an abstract thinker then this may be your cup of tea. Overall, Toys is an acquired taste, however, once acquired you will be staring into a window of enlightenment.