• I have seen this film several times--including just recently. However, somehow I forgot to review the movie--and I noticed this today.

    This is a difficult film to rate, as it's so unique. After all, seeing Jimmy Cagney in the lead is a bit surreal. You don't expect to see this tough-guy performing as a hoofer. You also don't expect to see his style of tap dancing. It is NOTHING like Fred Astaire--full of grace and style. Instead, it's pure energy and is, at times, a bit gangly. Now this isn't to say it's bad--it just isn't subtle as Cagney throws EVERYTHING into the dances. His tapping is a bit more like stomping---but, it is still a marvel to watch.

    The film is a VERY Hollywoodized version of the life of the writer/performer George M. Cohan. Much of the guy's life is in the film but also much of the film is pure fiction meant to entertain. This is VERY typical of a film of this era. However, despite the style of dance and liberties the film takes, it is also incredibly entertaining and fun--filled with unabashed patriotism and spirit. Well worth seeing.