
  • This film deserves at least six Oscars. I remember as a kid watching that vending machine get the red mist and lay waste to a baseball team, followed up by a steamroller rolling over a child's head. That's just horror movie gold right there. Sure, the film is dumb as hell, but it's very far from boring, and has the right amount of daftness, gore and action that I need from a film.

    Also worth noting is the amazing "We made you!" speech given by that waitress in the film, which is just devastating in it's delivery. If you aren't laughing at that point, then Maximum Overdrive is not for you.

    My wife was asking questions like "How does the truck see with it's wing mirrors?" and "How did that guy get a rocket launcher?" and such like, but I said that this is the kind of film where you just let such things go, or else you'll end up feeling like that guy after the steamroller went over his head. The plot is as simple as an ACDC drumbeat - just sit back and left the daftness roll over you.