• I've always been a fan of Channel 4 drama - in particular dark drama, which is something that they specialise in. Another thing I'm a fan of is futuristic films. Utopia (un-?)lovingly blends the two in a horrific, traumatic, almost post-apocalyptic vision of our own world where Big Brother is everywhere (no - not the reality show!) and we are all slaves to the bigger machinery of political, and industrial Machiavellianism that form most of our modern day conspiracy theories.

    It's one of those series that lodges in a dark corner of your mind, and sort of sits there - gnawing away. You may find yourself trying to answer the questions it raises. This is the sign of a truly good drama - one that causes you to think about it even once the episode has finished. Utopia does just that.

    Except for Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror, I cannot think of another truly memorable TV series like this. If you haven't seen it, watch it now! Now!