• The Trost brothers bring on an overlong joke to the big screen collaging hip-culture, highlighting the ridiculousness of dance-offs and juxtaposing it with a "Karate Kid"/"Rocky"-copy paste scenario. In a quasi-dystopian future two rival gangs fight out dominance through dance fights held in the form of dance-stepping to a techno-based computer game Beat Beat Revolution (molded after the one-rampant DRR). While not featuring a single African-American character the slang involved is distinctly exaggerated gangsta with 'niggas' abundant and extrapolated word-play intent on pushing the required laugh buttons.

    While the gist of the joke itself may work pretty well in a short movie (originally "The FP" was actually a short feature) or even better as a spoof trailer, the full length feature is a tedious affair. Rarely funny, apart from some novelty laughs, it seeks to gain cult attention, instead falling flat. Overly self-serving and repetitive it lacks the natural absurd charm of the 1980s trash movies, thus failing to fall into the 'so-bad-its-good' category, while lacking enough ludicrous laughs to function as a comedy. The Trost brothers essentially try too hard to be bad, thus lacking a sense of natural crappiness of true lampoon genre movies.

    Ignoring the fact that a bunch of white boys attempting to ridicule hip-hop culture may seem a bit out-of-place, the joke falls as flat as Jason Trost's dancing (BTW Anyone expecting a bad movie with some nice dance moves will be sorely disappointed). In general the language utilised may be treated as a highlight, but unfortunately the directors probably had multitudes more fun scripting and filming the movie, than it actually is.