
  • Tim Burton returning to his roots. Or at least to one of his first projects. One that he made for Disney, who surely didn't mind him making a feature length movie out of his original short story. Of course back when he first made it, they weren't that fond of Mr. Burton. But time heals all wounds I guess and it's good if you can forgive and forget in this business.

    At least the forgetting part is kinda hard to come by in this movie. The cover does suggest it, even for those who didn't hear what the movie is about, plus the name is a big hint too. Names in general (character names that is) are fine and might provoke a laugh or at least a chuckle with old school horror fans. Also nice the addition of Vincent Price once again. Not only in a film snippet, but also as a voice actor and a crucial part of the story.

    All in all it's a nice and scary movie. If that is possible. While I didn't feel it was better than say Paranorman, I do understand that quite a lot of people are fond of the short movie and will just love the usual Burton quirkiness. So depending on your taste, you will either like it more than me or less. One thing is for sure: It does have a few scary scenes in it, so it might not be entirely suitable for really young ones.