• I haven't seen it all but I might just watch all of it one day but I saw some of this in my Socials 11 class and heres what I thought of it.

    It may be the worst TV Movie Ever Made.

    There is nothing I liked about this movie, for example, I learned that Pierre Trudeau liked to get chased by girls with his two security guards just like The Beatles In A Hard Days Night and how he was a creeper who liked to date 21 year old girls when he was 47 years old. This is ridiculous. Why in the world do they focus more on effects then the story of his life? Thats just like saying Citizen Kane's Story was about The Title of the movie and how it became to be the title.

    The effects bother me to much in this movie due to the fact it is severely out of place. They fast forward the movie when its not suppose to be, the Richard Lester Style direction is terrible. Trudeaumania? WHAT THE **** IS THIS!? A Rip-off Of Beatlemania? The editing is horrible and the scenes that are pasted together make no sense. This also rips off A Hard Days Night due to the fact that they copy Paul McCartney's lines from the interview scene.

    I didn't even get to the Parts of the Front Liberation Quebec! Thats how bad it was! This might be the worst movie I have ever seen without even finishing. I think it could be worse then Cats and Dogs 2. YES. I said it. WORSE THEN CATS AND DOGS THE REVENGE OF KITTY GALORE. This Movie Is Slightly Better Then It. SLIGHTLY. But it may as well be the worst movie of the 00 decade.

    2/100 F This is the fourth F I gave to a movie. Lets hope I never see anything like this again.