• The Irate Gamer is seriously one of the worst gamers on the internet, and in real life. I wouldn't have a problem with Irate Gamer but he chooses so many bad choices and that makes him bad for the good reasons. He wants to copy James Rolfe's identity, use it in a corny way, and make his own show cashing in "The Angry Video Game Nerd". It's like The Asylum taking a hit block buster, raping it, and turning it into a special FX fest with poor acting. The special FX in here aren't so special as it weren't you, gamers. The physics in Chris's world don't apply. Now on to the rant on the Irate Hack! He is, you know what that means, not funny. That one joke he made in his ROB the Robot review, was one of the worst jokes in existence. Don't get me started with his other jokes, they're as corny as you think. He is also a very bad actor, and I mean very bad. His friends give out terrible roles as well. Well, he only has little friends, that's why the additional characters are all played by him. He isn't so irate, he just makes these faces like he's taking the biggest dump in his life, and oh boy, overacting. Gotta add the over acting! His research is as thick as his acting, I can't explain it, and I must say that I'm disappointed that this hack is still alive!