Review by: Dare Devil Kid (DDK) Rating: 3.5/5 stars
An intriguing concept that could have fallen flat on its face with the kind of premise and setting it's based in. On the surface the film does appear to be too one-dimensional, linear, and somber for a disaster film. Also, initially, it does tend to lag a bit and might permeate a false sense of tedious pacing, so it's important that you be patient and allow yourself the chance to be rewarded as the pace and tension kicks in with further proceedings.
Kudos to the Director for keeping his viewers engrossed till the end and making us care enough for the only two relevant characters in the entire film, to the point that we simply need to find out their eventual fate. What you must understand before approaching "Hours" is that it isn't your staple disaster movie bonanza, infused with state-pf-the-art SFX and high octane action and suspense. Yes, the suspense and tension is there, but in a much more dramatic and character driven sort of way.
Coming down to the performances, there is virtually just one actor in the entire film and nobody else. With just a newborn infant for company throughout the film and a St. Bernard canine towards the latter half for added measure, Paul Walker astoundingly shoulders the entire film and his performance gradually grows on you. Sadly we won't get to see any more of his newly harnessed acting skills, so revel in what is indubitably his best act ever. May his soul rest in peace.
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