
  • Before anybody gets offended by the above summary, I just want to say that I like many things about America and its culture, conversely there are things I dislike. A lot of the latter were highlighted in the film "Revenge of the Nerds". Also, just to avoid the wrath of the blindly patriotic, I am by no means saying that other countries and cultures don't have their share of downfalls too.

    So, to back to the film… Due to its age, (30 years), one can possibly, (yet begrudgingly), forgive some of the casual racism and homophobia used to gain cheap laughs. However the film really hits rock bottom with its multiple scenes/sub-plots that show sexual abuse in an entirely positive light.

    There is a highly unlikely, yet possible, chance that the above could be overlooked if the film's humour compensated for the offensiveness, or if the rapey/homophobic/racist plot elements were done tongue in cheek – BUT THEY WEREN'T – in spite of what people might claim.

    Now-a-days I watch certain things, which I enjoy to various degrees, but make me yearn for my stoner days as I know my amusement would be amplified. ROTN does not even offer me this. I watched it as it is regarded as a "classic" and is referenced to in many other shows. In summation: I wish I hadn't bothered – 2/10.