• I do have compassion for Tori and how she feels about her husband betraying her in such a public way... I think she has a lot of insecurities but as her partner I think Dean needs to step up and make her believe in him again! If they had 4 kids and are married 7 years I think the relationship is worth trying to save! This is real life... She is followed by paparazzi Constantly and has tried to be the mother to her kids that her mother never was to her. It is hard to understand for those who never experienced infidelity but trust is such a hard thing to regain once you've lost it! Dean needs to man up and face the consequences of his actions and push forward to regain her love and trust. They both need therapy but no relationship is perfect and it might take a long time to reconnect but only time heals and patience must prevail or they won't make it! For their family's sake I hope they do make it and prove that love can thrive and survive in Hollywood!!... Against all odds!