• The main feeling I had towards the girl's central problem here was... one of total indifference. You see, she has to pick between between two specimens of manhood: The 'Mr Reliable But Boring' who she's been shacked up with for a few years... or her ex, 'The Rebel' who let her down badly once, but has just come roaring back into town. All of these thinly-written protagonists failed to hold my attention for very long, and by the time the oh-so-clichéd ending arrived, I was already preparing supper.

    Lauren Holly, last seen by me showing off her butt in Dumb & Dumber is a babe... but an utterly bland lead who's choices were as inconsistent as she is dull. As for her potential love interests, one is a rock star in real life (I wouldn't be too pleased as a fan to find out Bon Jovi's latest album was delayed because of THIS) and the other is Edward Burns... the director/writer of this feature. He perfectly masters the art of mediocrity is all his various assignments. Well done, that man.

    I literally have nothing else to say. Bye for now. 5/10