• Director Mark Pellington has Made Two Very Interesting and Offbeat Movies that are Underrated and have a Unique Style that seems to be an Uneasy Fit with Mainstream Audiences and Critics. Arlington Road (1999) and The Mothman Prophecies.

    This One is a Creepy, Haunting, Freaky Paranormal Story based on Real Events and John Keel's Book of the Same Name (1975). The Book is an Underground Classic and a Staple in the Investigations that are Sometimes Categorized as Alternative News.

    This is a Great Interpretation of the Book and the Events and the Director took a High Style Approach and it Fits Perfectly. There Really is No Monster or Creature Except on the Edge. The Image Appears in Blurs and just Inside the Frame and Inside the Mind with some Physical Imprint Remains, like on a Tree or the Grill of a Car.

    Nothing is Ever Clear or Precise. The Cinematography is Excellent with a lot of Patterned Transitional Out of Focus Shots, Perhaps could be called Psychedelic, that Convey the Fuzzy Encounters of The Mothman by the Citizens of Pt. Pleasant. This is a Beautiful, Colorful, Surreal Movie that is Subtle and is Presented with Chills and Hair Raising Situations that are Moody and Heart Wrenching.

    This is not a Monster Movie or a Horror Film Per Se. Recommended for Fans of the Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, The X-Files, and the Paranormal. Sure to be a Cult Movie because this One is Decidedly Different.