• Much like Uncle Grandpa, this is a simple, wacky, optimistic show that is driven mostly by the desire to tell jokes and make the viewer smile. There isn't much to it, but there's really very little bad to say.

    Visuals: This show uses as style of animation similar to Craig's previous show, "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends". The animated acting and characterization is pretty good here, and the characters are free to express themselves. They don't go over-the-top with it as much as something like "Ren and Stimpy", restraining themselves to something similar to classical rubber hose cartoons. Wander's Smile is infectious and Felix-the-Cat-like. The main difference between this and Foster's is that the characters have very thick, slick-looking black outlines. The color scheme is very simple, but it looks decent. The movements of the characters tend to follow a rhythmic pattern with sounds effects that takes advantage of Flash, but not as much as possible. I really like Wander's design, but not all of the characters are so blessed. The style here isn't my favorite, but I can see people liking it.

    Characters: This show is mostly driven by the strong, simple personalities of the characters. None of them are too complex or fresh, but none of them are too annoying or unlikable. The sympathy is usually where it should be.

    Storytelling: Very simple and straightforward, as well as being fairly energetic. It can be somewhat predictable and follow patterns we've all seen before, but it works.

    Audio: The music is distinctive, consisting mostly of folk tunes and banjo plucks. It helps give the show an identity. The theme song is so heinously catchy and smile-inducing that you will never get it out of your head, and I really like it for that. The voice performances also work pretty well. Wander has that "Nice-Guy" sound that he really needs.

    To sum up, there really isn't too much to talk about here. This is just a show that wants to have some fun with you and make you smile if you'll let it. It's almost like a midway point between the typical Craig McKracken style and some sort of classical rubber-hose cartoon. Strangely, I think that "Mickey Mouse" fans might enjoy this, as will fans of Craig and Lauren's other shows.