• Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished watching the pilot and was so infuriated by how dumb the show is I made an account just to make a review. For an episode that involves technology and hacking, you would think the creators would at least run the premise by someone with a basic understanding of computers or you know, common sense. Lets list a few of these dumb things:

    1) LAX Air Traffic software update goes wrong and communication is down. Solution: Call your system administrator. You don't need FBI to track down someone with an IQ of 197 to tell you to recover your software from a backup hardrive.

    2) What kind of world class data center that stores air traffic controller software is unmanned!?

    3) An audio speaker demagnetizes a hardrive? I think they are a little more sturdy than that.

    4) Backup hardrive is dead, game over. Oh wait, good thing every plane has an EXACT copy of the software used by the air traffic controller. Yeah that makes total sense...

    There are so many plot holes in this pilot I can't believe it made it to TV. Don't waste your time watching this.