
  • I made the mistake of reading the bad reviews that almost made me skip over this show. I'm lucky there were a few who seen it for what it is and convinced me to give it a go.

    Firstly we'll address what every other review has. Realism. The scenario is not realistic and full of holes, but lets be honest, what TV show/movie isn't? I'll first say I'm a computer programmer. So I can see all the technical downfalls this show has. Being in my position I also see it in every other show or blockbuster movie. They don't make anything to be 100% believable. They make it to be fun and entertaining. I would like to see them get a technical consultant to help with this problem, but I don't feel it takes away from the shows entertainment value.

    With the obvious aside lets talk about the show itself. Four socially awkward genius's. Yes it does follow the role that smart people cant be socially engaging, but it does add the to entertainment value.

    The first episode drops our main characters into a very stressful situation. This lead to great character development that most shows take half a season to reach. After one episode I felt I knew and could relate to each character personally. It also had its fill of ups and downs with a quickly developing story line. Over all a great introductory episode and I cant wait to see more.