• Where to begin...made-up names for technologies (Slow Servers, routing hubs and the list goes on), inaccurate uses and capabilities of existing technology are just for starters (typing a few keys and windows pop-up and scrolling text, rj-45 cables dangling from jetliners). I won't rehash a lot of what the other reviews have posted, other than to state that this quite possibly the most technically inaccurate show on TV today. If this show was satire or something based in an alternate reality that would be one thing, but this supposed to be based on present day.

    I thought I'd give it a second chance and a third. I did and it disappointed each time. It's really a shame, the premise of the series was interesting, but the delivery was horrendous. How this show made it out of pilot is beyond me. I'd say it's entertaining, but the story flaws make it too distracting to enjoy.