• The 90's had quite an interesting list of great and bizarrely over-the-top horror flicks and this is one of them! Let's just look at the story. The beloved doctor Alan Feinstone is a dentist and his patients always feel very comfortable with him. He has some mental issues but manages to hold it together... until he sees his wife cheat on him. Does he talk with her about it? Does he demand a divorce? No, he goes f u c k i n g nuts! He can barely concentrate at work and is more annoyed with his patients than usual. Because of his delusional thoughts, he turns a boy's teeth to crust (which is one of several extremely uncomfortable dental gore scenes in the movie). But this is where the movie doesn't make any goddamn sense. Sure, the police arrives later, but shouldn't it already be, you know, when he tries to rape someone?! It's almost incredible, since he is called out on his s h i t by others as well, and still more patients keep rollin' into his little nicely decorated room to get their teeth fixed. However, this plot-hole is for the better good. It gets more and more absurd and there are several unforced moments of black humor when Corbin Bernsen with glee delivers his sleazy, unhumanizing lines. What makes the movie even crazier is that instead of taking a break, he acts like if there's no problem and still wants to do his job. Jesus Christ. It's hard not to spoil too much, but the ending is one of the most memorable ones for a horror movie ever. Most of the other stuff in the movie is ridiculous, but that creeped me out for real.

    Watch this movie if you want to have a good laugh! I'm not a fan of horror movies with copious amounts of gore otherwise, but it was used effectively here!