• Loser Takes All is a rather mild British comedy that stars Rossano Brazzi and Glynis Johns as an accountant and his fiancé who work for the firm that Robert Morley and Felix Aylmer run in London.

    Morley is one of those sticklers for detail and for Rossano Brazzi successfully finding a seven pound and change discrepancy in his books and reconciling it, he and Johns get a holiday in Monte Carlo. Morley is penny wise and pound foolish.

    Still Brazzi and Johns are on a dream holiday and I've no doubt that this film was made to follow up the success of Paramount's To Catch A Thief. But Cary Grant and Grace Kelly were more interesting and Alfred Hitchcock made a more interesting film in general.

    Brazzi now thinking he's a mathematical genius has devised a 'system' as so many do. In the process though he's become unbearable to his new bride.

    Monte Carlo looks just as beautiful as it did in To Catch A Thief. But Hitchcock's classic never lost my interest as this one did.