• Warning: Spoilers
    When a TV movie is made from one of your favorite books, you have to be careful with your expectations. Fortunately, they did a good job and captured the spirit of the story. I haven't seen anything done this well by Syfy since "Dune" (the best version, superior to the one released in the movies), and "Children of Dune", which I like better than the books. Still two more episodes to go so they can still let me down, but so far this is looking really good.

    They need more lines? How about this, "Childhood's End" is over 60 years old. Clarke was a scientist, philosopher, atheist, as well as an author and it's reflected in his books. The end of the movie was hinted at in the beginning, and if they follow the story and keep it true, it may come as a sort of shock, but oh so well done, I hope

    Part 2 disappointed and I'm ambivalent as to whether or not I want to continue. The writers took a very disappointing turn from the actual plot, adding dialog and scenes that were unnecessary and plain bad writing.

    Peter Jackson said viewers don't go to a movie to see the book, I beg to differ. I want to see a reasonable interpretation of the book on screen and I hate it when I'm disappointed like I'm feeling right now with part 2