• I purchased this movie from Amazon, well expecting it to be a low budget creature feature, although I had hoped that it would be one of those fun ones; you know, the ones that are so bad that they are actually fun to watch. But that was not the case with "Piranha Sharks".

    First of all, the DVD was titled "Jurassic Piranha". Wait, what? Seriously? How could the movie end up with a title so deviant from its original title, unless it being an attempt to cash in on something else. Especially since there was nothing even remotely prehistoric about the creatures in the movie. They were man-made and tinkered with in a Laboratory.

    Right, well moving on. The story is about a company which have the idea of cross-breeding sharks and piranha, and selling them as pets to families. The creatures, of course, grow quickly, have an endless appetite and start to mutate. Soon the entire city of Manhattan is in dire peril at the ferocity of these vicious toothy fishy killers. And it is up to a small group of local exterminators to save the entire city of Manhattan from extermination, be it from the piranha sharks or from the US government who wants to drop nuclear bombs to contain the piranha sharks.

    Indeed. Yeah, that was the scope of the ludicrous storyline. Simple? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Entertaining? No.

    The CGI effects in "Piranha Sharks" is among the top three of bad special effects that I have ever witnessed in a movie. It was so bad that it went beyond bad. Trust me.

    And the acting in the movie was as to be expected from a movie of this genre and type. But I had never expected an actor like Kevin Sorbo to appear in a movie such as this.

    I still managed to sit through the entire movie, despite it being so bad. Why? Well, I was hoping that it would get better, or at least turn into something so bad that it would be funny. But no, it just kept on being bad in a bad way. Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Piranha Sharks".

    I am rating "Piranha Sharks" a mere one out of ten stars.