• Neil Young introduces his wonderful song "Don't let it get you down" with the now famous lyrics, "It sorta starts off real slow and then fizzles out altogether".

    The difference between Young's song and The Kettering Incident is that Neil Young was brilliant and this isn't. "Fizzles out" doesn't cover it at all.

    My God but this was awful. I see another reviewer gave up after Episode 5. My wife and I wish we'd given up mid way through Episode 1. Sadly, we didn't. We stuck it out until Episode 8 hoping to make some sense of it but now feel we've been robbed of 8 hours of our lives.

    I could say more but what's the point? It's mediocre at the start and just goes downhill from there. That about covers it and there really isn't any need to spend any more time writing this.

    Sad thing is that by the end of 8 it's clear they intend a Series 2 of this. Hard to believe and one can only hope they come to their senses and abandon the idea. We won't be sucked in a second time and would think few others will bother to watch it either.

    Bottom line: don't waste your time.