• I remember when Sheena first came on TV unlike most of the reviews Sheena did not come on late at night where I live she came on around 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday I didn't see too many of the show when it first came on in 2000 and 2001 I was working a lot of Saturday's back then. Hi just thought it watches Sheena again recently as it comes on one o'clock in the afternoon on the network channel Heroes & icons and I still like it the show is really good the acting is pretty good in the stories are really really good better than average. I don't know what most of these viewers one from the show it is just an hour long TV show and I do pretty good with the budget they are given. I do recommend this TV show this is the third Cena that's been on TV or should I say the third Sheena the first Sheena show was done back in the late 1950s then there was that Sheena Queen of the Jungle movie back in the mid-eighties that movie was pure garbage. This Sheena show Hawkins back to the original Sheena of the 1950s a smart strong independent jungle woman. If you never seen this show give it a good watch don't take it so seriously sit back for an hour and enjoy the ride.