
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watching this movie is 2 hours of my life I will never get back - A total waste of time and such a disappointment.

    Mind you this is my review so I'm entitled to comment how I perceived it; and I understand & respect others may see it very differently.... here we go, hopefully in brief.

    First and foremost I found the continual reference to the child abuse flashbacks irrelevant to the story, unnecessary let alone distasteful. Not to mention the twist from "normal" suspense to "monster incorporated" suspense toward the end just a tad bit ridiculous.

    I found the whole movie somewhat drawn out, way beyond achieving the suspense factor which I gather Shyamalan was aiming for, and which I think he failed dismally - it became instead repetitious and boring.

    The ending I found totally ridiculous - a zoo?? and God forbid it left the viewer with the knowledge there is to be a sequel, which I will be giving a 'big fat miss'.