• The Legends of Chamberlain Heights is written for a specific audience, Black, Conscious, and up on Black culture. For those who do not meet this criteria the show's intent and message will be lost. There are many references to social justice issues that can go over your head if you are not aware. For example, there are references to Michael Jordan's tie to the prison industry, the appropriation of Black culture with Milk's character, the struggle of being conscious/woke with Malik's character, and so on. Yes, these roles are among the stereotypical other characters that are also present in other shows in a more subtle manner, the portrayal of Black women, women deemed overweight, high school jocks, etc. Where other shows may portray the same themes in a subtle manner that goes unnoticed, this show challenges (Black) viewers, in an albeit overt and seemingly harsh way, to think about the subtle messages received in media and our role either towards or against equity in our community. Do we check the Milk's that we know who constantly appropriate our culture? Do we pay attention the role our "celebrities" play in our liberation or oppression? There are also affirming references to the Black culture with various Black movie references.

    All in all, it is a good show if you are able to wrestle with the challenges and enjoy the affirmations of Black culture. If not, then you are better off watching Friends or South Park.

    Peace. Be well.