
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was one of the best TV shows you watch for comic book genre, It started of great well lit up scenes with loads of action, suspense and a good story-line, suddenly all of that was thrown out and made a weak series in which the main character reveals himself all the time and the action is terrible to watch, no suspense, no general direction of the character, in almost every episode its the same dialogue "Oliver if you want them to trust you, you should let them know who you are, and Oliver takes of his eye piece and says "I am the Green Arrow" L.O.L What Dafuq.

    The show is just going down hill, specially that now the main character is now Felicity (sleeps with all the Billionaires and take their fortune and keeps them under her payroll) worst character, Thea Queen 2nd billionaire famous line "I am out".

    Just keep the group small and the action hardcore like 1st season, identity reveal yeah stop that, let the character start killing again, and please don't bring dead people back to make their own show.

    Season 1 - Great.

    Season 2 - Just OK.

    Season 3 - What is happening.

    Season 4 - Why are you killing the show.

    Season 5 - I give up, cant watch anymore.

    Season 6 - Stopped watching.