• Vikings, I I'm starting to struggle with it a bit. It seems they feel the can simply create history where they like. How can Vikings invade York, when history tells that they founded it? I don't buy the earrings, make-up and tattoos. Modern thoughts that make you feel that they are just about to pull out a cell phone. I suspect Vikings will look very dated in a few years.

    Also I don't buy the level of violence. Like Son's of Anarchy it's showing an extreme possibility for a dramatic effect not real day-to-day life. Most people traded from fishing villages, and actually didn't do much fighting. I'm sure there was plenty of rape and plunder, but equally I'm sure it was just a minority looking to steal gold, not so much as a murder spree as the one sided written history suggests. I doubt most people were really that psychopathic.

    Things are getting a bit silly, maybe it's a negative influence from Game of Thrones. Some amazing sets, and great cinematography but the wardrobe, story lines and casting are slightly wobbly.

    Having said all that, I still enjoy it, and it's worth a watch.