I'll say it straight away; I have never seen a single episode of the original 80s cartoon. I started watching this one because the original Ducktales was supposed to be a really good show, and everyone was saying that the new one was also supposed to be really good. I just finished watching season 1, and I cannot wait for the second season. In my opinion every character is likable in their own way, whether they're interesting or just plain funny, and I like the idea of combining an overarching plot with mini stories for each episode. I like the concept of a character (the mother) not only being missing, but seemingly being erased from existence, with any trace of her hidden away and never spoken of. I also think Lena is a pretty interesting character, with that mysterious shadow creature that she seems reluctantly loyal to. But as awesome as it is, I just hope it isn't dragged on for too long like a lot of modern cartoons (such as Spongebob and the Fairly Odd Parents) seem to, and that it actually has a conclusion eventually. SERIOUSLY recommendable, whether you've seen the original or not.