• Warning: Spoilers
    Plot holes, no story, no main villain, edited with an old butcher's clever, boring from start to finish, muslim, race mixing and gender neutral agenda pushing all over the place.

    You have no idea whats going on half way through, story so thin you dont really care to find out what happens next. Makes no difference if Denzel Washington is in this movie or Jim Carrey.

    Where is the main villain man ? What exactly is Denzel doing throughout the film nobody cares. Fight scenes boring, gun fights a great big yawn...

    It felt like someone is trying to force a piece of rotten slice of bread down your throat and wash it down with milk gone bad. Terrible movie for the confused and people who like watching movies while sitting in their toilets. Or for people who like to scroll through movies with a mouse and watch the whole film in 6 seconds max.

    I will probably catch up with all future Denzel movies after he is long gone and Im just too bored. Or watch Nicholas Cage films instead. Which is not good.

    Just change the movie title. Call it : The Equalizer The Crappy Version