
  • In 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Mossad Agent Ari Ben-Sion (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) is sent on a secret mission by his boss Miki (John Hurt) to extract a chemical weapons scientist and his family from Syria; and Ari uses the name Hans Hoffman who sells carpets. Ari needs to prove himself once again as his son's accidental death weighs on his mind and also because his last mission was a bust. But Ari's attention is also distracted because photojournalist Kim (Olivia Thirby) has eyes for him. This is also a love story. (Figures)

    Yes, I was looking at Jonathan Rhys Meyers as a suitable Bond, James Bond character, but not necessarily a replacement. Rhys Meyers was okay, but at one time found himself in an alley and I thought he might prevail against the thugs, but was cold-cocked from behind. Now who did it? No one knows. This scene should never have been in the movie. He wakes up with his expensive Rolex on his wrist, wallet intact, and Kim's watch he had repaired. So what was the purpose of that scene? Huh? This would not have happened to Bond, James Bond. See?

    I think the Ari/Hans character should have been more aware and gave the Syrian intelligence guys some things to think about as Bond, James Bond would have. But that didn't happen. I believe he knew they knew why he was in Syria and knows they need to find out who Angel is so he, Angel, can be stopped because Angel has hindered many Syrian intel ops.

    Yes, he is smitten with Kim and so are we, but twists are in order and although Ari/Hans does meet Angel, and Angel doesn't trust Kim, but also without saying it, Ari/Hans isn't sure about Kim either.

    Oh, if you see cars later than 1989 - and you will - keep in mind, this is only a movie. HA!

    Notbables: Igal Naor as General Fuad, who is close to President Assad; Aki Avni as Shaul who admits to being Angel, but he isn't Angel sorry to tell you that; Navid Negahban as Sarraj , the head of Syrian intelligence; Jurgen Prochnow as Franz Ludin a former Nazi officer, who introduces Hans to the carpet buyer; and John Hurt as Miki, head of Mossad intelligence. (Sad note: this was the last film John Hurt was in before he passed)

    All in all not a bad spy movie and sometimes one would think this was more of a love story rather than a spy movie. ( Ah, I knew it)

    You will see the real Angel at the very end. Yes, I was surprised. too. Sequels? Wouldn't mind. (7/10)

    Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Humor: No. Language: Yes, but not much Rating: B