• When starting The Vault up I had an overwhelming feeling of deja-vu, I felt like I'd seen it before but not because of a lack of originality more that I watched the trailer months ago and it left a lasting impression on me.

    Telling the story of a bank robbery that gets complicated when the robbers discover that the vault is haunted it's a neat little tale (In theory) with a fascinating highly original concept. I was so excited to see where this would go, what a brilliant idea I thought.

    Sadly despite having a great concept they really didn't think it through and certainly had no endgame. The potential is squandered to a painful extent, what an absolute heartbreaking shame.

    Starring James Franco and a host of oddly competent folk including the excellent Francesca Eastwood (Who looks alarmingly like Amanda Seyfried) the film manages to look good but offers little else.

    The concept is wasted, the antagonists are lackluster and the protagonists are quite frankly non-existent!

    I wanted to like The Vault, I simply couldn't. It's a demonstration on how to drop the ball.

    The Good:

    Cast deliver

    Very interesting premise

    The Bad:

    Concept feels wasted

    Stock screams

    No protagonists