• Although I saw the appealing trailer shortly after this was released on Netflix, it took me a while to get round to watching it. I'm glad I did though. Some of the information was familiar, some was new, but it was presented in a light-hearted way that did not diminish the seriousness of the conditions over which those courageous individuals triumphed. What gifted comedians! At times I laughed till I cried.

    Please, Netflix, make this into a series. BUT. First, please, address four areas. First of all, as has already been noted, claiming that the cause of the American Civil War boils down to slavery, is a gross inaccuracy. Certainly, it was an important component but part of a complex situation.

    Secondly, the father-daughter relationship, looked staged and awkward. The script may have been partly responsible. It was rather teachy.

    Third, father Kevin's immediately preparing to meet possible violece with violence, when a difficult situation involving his friend arose, was maybe not the best image or example for children. Where was the attempt at negotiation?

    Fourth, and I realise that this may be a sensitive area, the relationship between the black and white members of the cast. Kevin's daughter's friend appeared to be uncomfortable to point of fearful, and his father had to ask for weapons to be lowered even after it was clear that he was not the bookie. He was not treated as a friend, not offered any kind of hospitality, and it appeared that he and his son couldn't get out of the atmosphere of hostility fast enough.

    So does this mean that this program is only for black people? That white viewers are not being invited into the experience of education and a better understanding of the part played in history by African-Americans? Surely the program-makers have an audience of anyone who is part of minority that faces discrimination, and many of the people in those minorities will be white.

    So, overall, a splendid effort. Just tweak those areas and I'd love a series. A Latino-American one too? Yes, please!