• Warning: Spoilers
    "Entering Red" is an Italian English-language short film from 2019, so very recent release and this one was directed by Matteo Garrone, which made me a bit curious because I really enjoyed Dogman not too long ago. There's three writers on board here, which is really a lot as the film is only slightly longer than 12 minutes. The trio is pretty prolific and successful, but it would have been a surprise had they cast rookies there with a man like Garrone behind the camera. Lead actress and the only big name in the cast here is Ana de Armas known mostly for the Oscar-winning recent Blade Runner movie. Anyway, this one here is something entirely different. It is basically a very long commercial for alcohol manufacturer Bacardi and it is the third one I believe. They did 2 others in recent years always casting a big-name lead and an above-average famous director and this one here is no exception. The one thing that was lacking here, however, despite all these experienced writers, was a real story. But that is not not uncommon for these long, very artistic commercials. Started back in the day with Clive Owen for BMW and has not really changed into one direction since then. A bit of a pity. Still, there are aspects I liked here. The use of the color red was handled wisely most of the time. Also the music was pretty good and I enjoyed the song and performance early on and near the end. But on the downside I must say almost 3 minutes of closing credits for a film of under 12.5 minutes is just too much honestly. Overall, not a very close call. I give this one a thumbs-down. Hey, it did not even get me thirsty, so they sure did something wrong?