• Shemp Howard is a sports fan who can't keep his mouth shut in the stands. He heckles tennis games and a baseball game, demoralizing the sports pro he's riding. As a result, some crooks decide to bring him along to the next baseball game, so they can lock down the bet on the opposing team.

    Like many a postwar Columbia short, it's a remake of an earlier movie -- use the same script and let the comic ad lib a bit. In this case, it's the fourth time this movie was made. the earliest version was 1928's THE FIGHT PEST, one of Charley Chase's late silent short. Its second appearance was as a Mack Sennett short starring Matt McHugh, THE LOUD MOUTH. That version was nominated for an Oscar. Chase revisited in 1940's THE HECKLER, and this time it's Shemp's turn.

    He does a grand job as being an annoyance, not only to the players on the field, but to spectators in the stands. That's Vernon Dent sitting next to him, giving Shemp his comic, angry glare.